When Is The Best Time To Install Concrete In Lemon Grove?

Best Time For Concrete Installation In Lemon Grove

Concrete is one of the most common building materials in the world. The concrete used for construction comes in many forms, but generally can be defined as a material made up of water, sand, gravel, and cement that hardens to form concrete.

Types Of Concrete

There are three main types of concrete – unreinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, and prestressed concrete – and concrete takes on a variety of appearances when preformed in buildings, sidewalks and roads.


Concrete in its simplest form is composed of just cement and water, however concrete in practice often includes steel bars or mesh to increase strength and concrete additives such as reflective agents to reduce melting from the sun’s heat. This combination provides concrete the concrete with many benefits, including durability and availability to suit a multitude of construction needs.

Concrete can be beneficial for a variety of projects, including concrete sidewalks, concrete roads, concrete buildings and concrete slabs . Despite concrete’s benefits it is not without its problems.

Install Concrete In Dry And Sunny Days

Because concrete hardens by taking water from the environment it can be harmed by water or moisture. For this reason concrete must be protected and sealed after installation, and concrete should only be installed when the weather is dry and sunny. The best time to install concrete varies depending on location and the specific project being undertaken, though concrete should generally only be installed when conditions are dry both in the short term – to avoid concrete being damaged after installation – and in the long term to avoid concrete splitting or cracking.

When Installed In Wet Weather

In most cases concrete should only be installed when conditions are dry over a period of at least two weeks or more depending on location. When concrete is installed during wet weather the concrete may not harden correctly, which can lead to issues with structural integrity.

Best During Summer Months

All concrete, once properly installed, is beneficial to a wide variety of construction needs. However concrete should only be installed under dry conditions to ensure the concrete will harden correctly and avoid water damage that could cause problems later on. This makes concrete installation best during the summer months when temperatures are consistently warm and dry for extended periods.

Because concrete often requires two or more weeks to properly cure, concrete should only be installed during a period of extended warm and dry weather. Temperatures should ideally remain above 70° Fahrenheit for periods of at least two weeks.

Add Concrete Additives

Not all regions experience uniformly wet or dry conditions throughout the year, which can make concrete installation difficult outside of the summer months. For concrete installation projects outside of the summer months concrete additives should be used to ensure that concrete will harden properly and concrete should generally only be installed when weather conditions are consistently dry without precipitation or humidity.


Concrete is a versatile building material with many benefits, but concrete should only be installed during periods of sunny and dry weather to avoid water damage and concrete should only be installed during warmer months when concrete temperatures remain high enough to properly harden. For more information, contact our professionals from Concrete Contractor Lemon Grove at (619) 648-5335.